Versatile Blogger Award – And New Nominees!

First of all, thank you so much to Amna for nominating me for this award, I truly appreciate it. I’m a big fan of promoting others so I want to take the time to do just that in this post, I reached out to some new bloggers and I got quite a response! Thank you for responding to my request and giving me a little more information about your new and upcoming blogs – I hope you get a lot of enjoyment, engagement and support from your efforts!

Versatile Blogger Award.png

The rules for this one is quite simple

  • Write 7 interesting facts about yourself
  • Nominate 15 amazing bloggers for the award.

7 interesting facts about myself

1.  I am from Wyoming, this fact might not be interesting to some but I’ve found it’s quite unique when talking to others – growing up I was often the only person anyone knew from Wyoming 😉

2. I LOVE the Olympics!  I’m having the time of my life right now as I so enjoy watching the coverage and the athletes compete. I am a bigger fan of the summer Olympics, I do admit, but enjoy a lot of the different sports at the winter Olympics.

3. I have a 4 year old daughter who has a crazy amount of energy!  She will run for a mile and not be tired, it doesn’t phase her at all!  If you have any tips or tricks dealing with high energy kids – I would love to hear them!

4. This summer is the 10 year anniversary for my husband and I, it’s hard to believe that much time has already passed!

5: As you have read from some recent posts, we are likely going to be doing an across the US move sometime in the next year (waiting on a few things to confirm the timing). This will be an event I definitely will be documenting –  I’ve never done anything quite like this before.

6: I ran track in high school and college (had a scholarship). It was interesting being a college athlete, definitely on the list of one of the most challenging things I’ve accomplished so far in this lifetime (being a parent, definitely comes first on this list though!)

7: I write all day for my job (more to come on that in an upcoming post) so sometimes I find it difficult to write at home too – the big difference is that these posts and style of writing is a lot less formal and structured (which I really enjoy).


1. Personal Growth Success Blog

2. My Stories with Music

3. The Daily Charade

4. Kathryn Louderback – A Pianist’s Musings

5. Marion – Everything’s Mary

6. Rosie – Journey of a Lifestyle

7. Parth Argawal – The Unspoken Genius

8. Pearls and Grit

9. Curiosity – Start Something

10. Phoenix with a Pen

11. Unwritten Cosmos

12. Historian Ruby

13. Erica Robbin – Beauty and Lifestyle

14. Bitchin’ in the Kitchen

15. Finally Unchained

16. The Planet According to Dom

17. Naturally Phat

18. Leniq

19. Lattes and Lipsticks

20. Simply G

Enjoy reading about these new writers who cover a wide variety of material and subjects to pique your interest!

Have a nice long holiday weekend friends,


Don’t forget to like, share or subscribe if you enjoy this post or any of the other posts on my site. Thanks for visiting Down to Business Mom!

34 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award – And New Nominees!

  1. Awhh!! Thank you so much!! You are such a great encourager & you seem to have the sweetest spirit about yourself!! ❤ I just want you to know that this made my day! I’ve been blogging for a little over a month now. I’m definitely still new but I love it and this here was a big lump of encouragement for me to keep going. Thank you again!! I’m currently using the app on my phone right now because I’m not home but I’ll be sure to do my part and choose other nominees as well! Have a blessed evening & enjoy your weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Heather, that was a lovely surprise on a grey and miserable Monday morning, here in the UK!
    I LOVE Wyoming – been skiing twice to Jackson Hole and it is my favourite ski resort in the whole world, can’t wait to go back!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award – The Planet According to Dom

  4. Pingback: Monthly Round-Up: February – The Planet According to Dom

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